Monday, February 22, 2010

Money Don't Grow on Trees...

I have decided to give up calling Rod.  I've been calling every other day and still have not received my money for working more than 10 hours on January 22.  It has been a full month.  I have filed a complaint with the Department of Labor and Industries already with several complaints.  Hopefully, I can add this and will get my money as a result of that.  If not, I guess I will have to take him to small claims court.

This makes times tight.

Along with the money he has illegally withheld for insurance (have I told that story yet? I can't remember, I've told so many!) with each paycheck, the raise that never actually happened, and now withholding legitimate pay - it just isn't fun being me right now.  Also, because of recent lack of work woes due to the Boeing RIF and my contract being canceled when I worked in data security at Regence Blue Shield, my unemployment is about $400 less than it used to be.  I am having to worry about cars,  basic bills, heat for the house, and even food.  My poor dog still hasn't been back to the vet to see what's wrong with his legs, and they both need shots.  The worries are starting to keep me up at night, especially considering the hospital situation.

I would like to post a follow up about Jen.  I think it is an understatement to say that she wasn't pleased with my last post.  However, I have made it a policy to be completely honest with you my readers, and telling that story would not have been possible without detailing my frustration and feelings of betrayal.  I hope Jen understands why I had to type up her involvement, as unflattering as it was.

But the sunshine beckons now, and if there's one thing I can get out of unemployment, it's getting out and enjoying a beautiful day.  My dogs are bored, I'm restless, and we could all use a little exercise. I will post some pictures from our walk a bit later!

Eye Tee Girl

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

It doesn't really surprise you, does it?  The title of the blog?  I can only shake my head.  Thankfully, I have this blog and I take good notes.

I got paid, finally, on Thursday.  It had a note on the check itself, initialed "RA" that said "Final check."  Well, I guess that answers that question! At least now, I can stop calling in sick (the hospital is keeping us very busy.)  Included with the paycheck was a photocopy of a handwritten note that, word for word, said:

Katie 12/1 Payral

$1000 ÷ 10 days =
$100 / day

Missed 4 days x$100=$400
1/18, 1/22, 1/25, 1/29

$400-$100 health=$500

(I did change the numbers and names but the math, scratch outs, and misspellings are all true.)  As my grampa would say with his Irish smirk:  "What a maroon!"  (Then, I think he would go kick Rod's ass.  Literally.)

Now, I'll help you out, Dear Readers, since nobody helped me out. I was at work 1/22.  How long will it take you to figure it out?  The proof is out there for the whole world to see in this blog.

I was in a hurry.  But I know I was not absent on the 22nd (funny, some things you just, well, know.) So I texted Jen before gathering proof : "Please leave a message for Rod that I called.  He docked me for pay on the 22nd, but I was there"  Now, I was busy - another emergency was calling me to the hospital, but I needed this message delivered and I needed to cash this check.  Unfortunately, Jen was not helpful.  "I don't think you were here sorry... You didn't send any emails out either.."  Well, this made me roll my eyes.  I didn't really ask her opinion, I asked her to deliver a message that I called.  It was frustrating for me as she knows how tough it's been for me lately. It also felt like a shift in our relationship had just taken place.  It now felt as though Jen was no longer on "my team."

Anyway, I cashed the check and rushed to the hospital.  I got a few minutes of down time while waiting for Durwood to show up, so I went to my blog.  Sure enough, I found the post from 1/25 titled "Busy as a Bee" that talked all about my day on Friday. If you recall, it was the day that Goldmine went down (which is why I sent no emails that day) and it is also the day that I started working on the PeachTree problem. That was one long day.  Happy that I was right, I walked into the hospital, texting Jen quickly before I lost signal: "Fri 22nd was day Goldmine went down.  I was totally there. Please shoot Rod the message for me!"  The text I got back "I left. Let him know tomorrow."  I took this to mean, in my haste, that she would let him know the following day.  Persevering, the next morning, I asked Jen if she had delivered my message for me.  She told me she wasn't willing to.  "Please handle with him.. it is no fun to be in the middle.. I know you understand. ;)"

Fucking great.  No, frankly, Jen, I don't understand.  All she had to do was to leave a written message that I called for him and needed pay for the 22nd.  It's up to him to work it out with me.  I do know Rod, and I know he most likely wouldn't have said a word to Jen.  But now, I was left in the situation of having to call Friday evening (I certainly wasn't going to call with the intent of speaking with Rod) and not only did I have to wait for Rod to leave, but because Jen wouldn't deliver a simple message, I now had to wait until after Jen left, as well.  This meant Rod wouldn't be getting any message until Monday.  Whatever.  I texted Jen back to let me know when she left.

She didn't.

So, I finally just called around 7 on Friday night telling Rod what the situation was.  Of course, today being Tuesday, I still haven't heard a word back, so if I don't get a check in tomorrow's mail, I will wait till after 7 and once again leave a voicemail.

Anyway, on a lighter side, the good news is, that for the first time since starting work at Acme, I have been able to make my car payment and house payment on time.  Thanks be to the reliability of unemployment and direct deposit!  Who'd'a thunk it?!

In the meantime... does anyone need any work done on their computers in the home or office?  The combination of fighting Rod for the money he owes me and the hospital situation has now left me with a huge cold sore... so I could use some work!

Eye Tee Girl

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Still no pay...

It's bad enough being over-worked and under-paid, but hey, at least then, you are getting paid.  Even worse is getting abuse heaped on top of lies and not getting paid at all. Payday should have been Feb 1, and here it is, the 10th, and I still have not been paid.  I'm not sure why. 

My (soon to be) father-in-law had a massive stroke affecting the dominant side of his brain.  I guess that's a fancy way of saying "it's just a matter of time, now."  He has been laying in the hospital since Jan 31, barely reacting to any stimuli, with, at times, over 12 different tubes providing liquid life.  This isn't including the wires and tubes monitoring his heart and mechanically keeping his lungs pumping oxygen into a body weakened - not just by age - but by his body's cruel betrayal, sending a clot to plug up the main artery that feeds the entire left side of his brain. This is not an easy time for our family.  We are going to the hospital for hours a day, sometimes more than 12 hours a day, to watch him, to meet with family, to discuss the situation with doctors. I haven't had time for Facebook, for blogging, for any time at work.  I've been focused on DNR orders, physician reports, brain mappings, and blood pressure monitors.  I certainly haven't had time or options to do anything online.  Even this is being typed up while at the hospital and will be uploaded whenever we go home again - when I have an hour or two that isn't directly related to the hospital.  That could be days from now.  In neuro ICU, it would seem, they don't want any type of wireless signals that could affect the IV units.  All texting, cell phone conversations, and wireless "stuff" needs to be done "beyond the double steel doors, please."

I have told Jen what's going on, I have asked her to tell Rod, I have left multiple messages for him, all telling him what is going on.  But still, no word, and no paycheck.  I filed for unemployment when he reduced my hours, and I certainly don't consider myself employed if he's not paying me... so we'll see where this latest chapter in my book of life takes me.

On the bright side - I haven't been abused, called names, or had to hear random bursts of anger - either at me or at co-workers.  As for the new guy, I have no idea how things are going.  I do know, however, from Rod's complete refusal to deal with Dave, and using me as the "middle man," that I will likely never hear from Rod again.  I can't say this is a bad thing.  ;)  I can only hope my final correspondence from Acme will be a paycheck, adorned with Rod's very own John Hancock.

I hope all is well for everyone reading this, I miss the catharsis of writing to all of you everyday!

Eye Tee Girl 

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

No blogs for a while

We have a family member in the hospital right now who is very, very ill.  Almost all my spare time is being spent there for the time being.  I will blog when I have more stories, but for now, I will be brief and update you all - I still have not been paid.  Payday was Feb 1.  We will see!

Eye Tee Girl

Monday, February 1, 2010

All in a Day's Work...

Hello, everyone!  Sorry for my prolonged silence, but it's been an odd 4 or 5 days.

I'll start at the beginning.

Last Monday, I guess it would be January 25, you may recall I teased Rod that while he could make me come over to his cubicle, he couldn't make me open my eyes to look at his desktop.  The lack of control over my eyelids seemed to flip him out and he then insisted he would handle the PeachTree issue himself (which I ended up having to fix anyway).  After I closed out my blog, Rod told me that he was switching me to 3 days a week.  This was completely expected.  Back in November, Jen and I had already found paperwork documenting his plan to reduce hours worked for his bottom line savings.  In addition, with hiring the new developer, I knew he couldn't afford me and the dev, so obviously, I'm the one taking it in the shorts.  Little does he know what a gift this really is!  So, he said I would be working M, W, F effective immediately.  On Wednesday when I came in, I changed it to T, W, Th.  There's no way in Oslow that I'm working 3 days a week and not getting long weekends out of it!

On Wednesday night, just as I was about to leave, someone called in on a wrong number, looking for computer help.  Jen took the call, and I asked her to transfer it.  I informed the person that it is not at all what Acme does, but that I work on the side and could help him.  He needed some basic work done on a machine, install some memory, install a new Windows, and Office, that type of thing.  I told him what I charge, and presto!  I had some moonlighting work to do!  So I picked up the machine that night and got to work on it as soon as I got home.

So, last week was a three day week.  When I came in on Thursday, Rod seemed somewhat pleasant, asking me basic, normal questions.  He told me he had hired the dev.  A few other normal things.  I had gotten in early so I could finish up the work on my new customer's machine.  I was very proud of myself, bustling around working on it.  Rod didn't notice any of the set up, of course.  Not that the monitor that was powered up, not the network cables re-routed, not a computer sitting in a usually empty cubicle, nothing seemed out of the ordinary I guess.  Oh well...

And then, normal went out the door.  You knew it couldn't last.  Didn't you?

Rod wanted to go over one of our applications and a demo document I was creating.  Because I hadn't yet finished the document, I had not covered everything that should be demo'd.  Rod asked "So, you will be able to demo everything for this customer?"  I could sense the trap.  Like a wily jungle cat, I crept forward carefully, one paw at a time...  "I'm not sure I understand your question.  I've demo'd the product before, and you said you loved my work.  Are you asking if I can demo the product?  Or if I know how everything works?"  In retrospect, I should have said "yes," and left it at that.  But no, I have a nasty habit of actually telling the truth.  Damn me for an honest person!  Anyway, that opened a whole can of worms.  Did I not know everything?  Are there things I don't know about Acme Product App?  Yes, there are things I don't know, I informed him.  He wanted me to then go find some comprehensive list of things the product does that was hidden out on the network and print it out for him.  Sigh.  I did.  Next, he started flapping it in my face.  He wanted me to highlight in yellow everything I didn't know.  He threw it on the desk at me, and walked away.  He then wanted to have a full on meeting to discuss everything I didn't know.  I don't know if you know Rod well enough yet, but this would have been a meeting of full blown, Spanish Inquisition type torture!!

So, I tried honesty.  So much for being the wily jungle cat stalking her prey!  I was toast.  "I don't really want to do all that.  Can we just talk over what you want me to demo, and we can use this list as a guide?"  Now, it's important to note, I was focusing on keeping my tone calm, neutral, and easy going.  I was not being argumentative or yelling.  Immediately, Rod exploded out of his cubicle and came charging at me with his fist waving at me in the air.  I was actually afraid of him, for the first time.  His face was contorted with rage, hate, and red with anger.  "NOOOOO!  You WILL HIGHLIGHT in YELLOW what you DON'T KNOW and THEN we will HAVE A MEEEEETING!!"  I said "whoa, whoa, whoa!  Can't we just talk about this?!"  His rage continued, and intensified.  "NOOOOOO!  LEEEEAAVE!  NOW!  GET OUT!  TAKE THE REST OF THE DAY OFF!!!  LEEEEEEEEEAVE!"

So much for playing it cool and calm.  I said "Okay," and began collecting my things.  Within 25 seconds, Rod stomped back over to my cubicle.  "ARE YOU LEAVING?!"  I said pertly, "Yes, I have to get my things together first."  I added "nimrod" with my inside voice so he couldn't hear me.  :)

This meant I would now have to just finish out my work for my new customer on location.  When that thought struck me, I grinned in delight.  Fully aware that everyone (well, Rod and Jen) could hear me, I picked up my phone and dialed a number.  "Hello, John?  Turns out I got out of work early today!  Uh huh.  So yeah, I'll be over in about 5 or 10 minutes to finish up that computer work for you.  Does that sound good?"  It was one of the happiest moments of my life, sticking it to Rod that he had not punished me in the least, but had instead opened a door for me.  Sometimes, life is grand!

So off I trotted to John's.  I worked at his bustling travel agency for more than half the day.  I was ecstatic!  I was doing the work I love, I was doing it well, people were saying thank you, and I do believe a few personal conversations even broke out.  Nobody got yelled at, nobody got mad, and not even once did I get cussed at.  Well, John did say "shit," but only after knocking over a stack of papers, so it was perfectly normal.  Blessedly, happily, perfectly...


Eye Tee Girl