Happy Halloween, everyone!
Well, it's that time of week, again, everyone! IT'S FRIDAY! Thank the Great Pumpkin! Boy, do I have some doozies for you today! They've been coming in faster than I can type 'em up! (And I even have leftovers!)
Not more than 20 minutes ago, Rod told me I hadn't responded to an email, nor had I sent him a file he requested. Since I had done both, I responded accordingly "Yes I did, sir! I can forward my responses to you again--" "Well, you didn't cc me on them!" "Oh, yes I did, sir!" Then I heard something viciously muttered from the other side of cubicle wall. My mouth dropped open. My blood pressure went up. Oh no he did-unt! "Um, did you just call BULLSHIT on me?" That got him quiet. Until he decided to put more fuel on the fire: "That's okay, I don't NEED that information. I have BIGGER fish to fry!" Well, fry is an apt word, for sure. His attitude is really starting to FRY my hiney, for sure. Then, just now: "So uhh, I STILL didn't get that file" Now, this time, I had covered my patootie and also cc'd Jennifer, who confirmed almost immediately that she had received the document and was able to view it. So I relayed as much to Rod. By now, I was downright angry. That's not always easy to accomplish, but he got me there in record time in this instance. "Well, then, uhhhhhh I guess my computer is configured differently because I can't SEEEEEE it." My comeback was terse. "Well don't call bullshit on me because of the way your computer is configured!" Silence. All I can hear are mouse clicks and scrolls, with an occasional key stroke. Then: "Hey ummmm KATIE... Ummm Open up the G:\" I roll my eyes and do nothing. (Rod never tells you why you should do something first, just tells you WHAT to do, as in this example.) "Now let's seeeeee..." I wait, crankily, impatiently, drumming my fingers silently on the laptop in front of me. "Where could we SAAAAVE that file?" UGH! "ROD! If you wanted this out on the network, why didn't you just tell me that in the first place?" His reply made me feel only a small twinge of guilt. "Because I'm DUMB!" Hrmmf. So I said, "Well, I'd appreciate an honest answer instead of something facetious." His answer was a 2 year-old's whine. "Well I don't knoooooowwww!!" Whatever. Poor, poor Rod.
Here are some quickies from the day:
Today, I'm wearing my softball uniform from a team I played/coached a few years ago. It looks pretty cool, in my opinion. As soon as Rod sees me, he says "Well! My, isn't that CUUUUUUUUTE!" I love it when someone calls my sports uniform "Cute" Then he squinted at my chest and pretended he couldn't read the team name clearly printed on the front of my jersey. Perv. Ick Factor +3. Slime Factor +1. As he was on his way out the door for swimming, he left with this parting shot: "You KNOW, Katie, that ... outfit... isn't very GLAMOROUS." Ugh.
I like to sneeze a lot. Okay, I don't like it, but my nose does it to me. A lot. I've even had coworkers counting my sneezes... I think the high count was 14 once. In a row. Anyway, so I let out three in a row here... Achoo achoo aCHOOO! Rod said "What was THAT?" Oh geez, really? "Um, they're called sneezes." A grunt from him, then: "Well. They are pretty lame sneezes if you ask me!!" "Well, I didn't ask you, Rod." Hey, at least it got people to laugh. I was so cranky by then with the bullshit thing, the uniform insult, that insulting my sneezes (my sneezes, for crying out loud!) put me right up to the edge.
Rod didn't want to take a call from an Aflac salesman because "He doesn't like ducks." Don't ask me if that was a joke or not. I can't tell the difference anymore.
Rod was speaking to a client, and we heard him say "Is she dating someone?...Oh, is that inaPROpriate to ask?... Well, you wouldn't be representing YOURself!" Oh... my... Lord... Someone get this man a gag. Now.
Rod: "Do you spell 'DE-Install' with a hyphen?"
Me: "Uninstall doesn't have a hyphen!!"
Rod (completely missing the point): "Hmmm, rerrmrmm" more muttering....
Me (Caving in) "I suppose it would have a hyphen, since there are two vowels next to each other." (Yeah, if DE-Install was a word)
So, today being the 30th, we are having a Halloween party. Yay us! We've all known for 2 weeks what our potlucking responsibilities are. Me: chilli, Jennifer: cookies, Rod (due to high ick factor, he was limited to sealed foods) so chips and soda. Jennifer and I were worried Rod would forget, so we orchestrated the following:
Jennifer: "What's everyone bringing? I'm bringing cookies! Katie?"
Me: "Oh, I'm brining chilli. No vegetarians, right? Rod, what are you bringing?"
Rod: "Hrrmmrmmm... Let's see. HOT SPINACH SALAD. I'm bringing HOT SPINACH SALAD!"
We were aghast.
Me: "Um, Rod? What is hot spinach salad?"
No answer.
Then, yesterday, he waltzes in after a visit with the neighboring small business, and loudly and proudly announces "The party will begin at TWO tomorrow!" In shock and dismay, I said something to the effect that I will eat at noonish, then party down at two. This started a whole debate about having the party at noon (which is not what I was saying) versus late in the afternoon on a Friday (which I fully support). Suffice it to say, we are now waiting until 2 to eat. Poor, poor us.
An hour passes. Rod, large and in charge, says "I will buy the pizza for tomorrow." Jennifer and I share a silent exchange. When did chilli become pizza, and chips and soda (Or hot spinach salad for that matter!) become pizza for crying out loud?
So there you have it, everyone. Halloween Friday, and it's full of fun treats for your bag. And I bet most of you thought you were too old for trick-r-treating! (Although a follower of this blog is known for saying 'You're never too old for candy!' bless her heart) Have a great, FUN! Halloween this year. Stay safe, get a dez driver if you need one, and enjoy the holiday! (Oh, and be sure to drop the link for this blog in every trick-r-treater's bag you fill tomorrow!)
And for the Mexican followers, Feliz Dia De Los Muertos!
Adios, Amigos!
Eye Tee Girl