Wednesday, October 21, 2009


One of our customer's sons plays football for his Junior High.  He is maybe 12 or 13.  This morning, bright and early, Rod calls the customer and immediately asks for some film of this kid playing.  I could tell immediately this was going to be a fascinating call, so I slipped my headphones off and shamelessly listened in.  He went on to say that the UW football coach is interested in this kid (presumably because he and Coach Sarkisian are such good buddies that Sark has nothing better to do in the height of football season than to sit around and BS with Rod about young talent).  Would the client be so kind as to send some video?  He went on further!  He talked about the entire coaching staff, and how they focus on the parent, and how they work with the kids they are recruiting, now at junior high ages!  What a crock.  Rod thinks he is so smooth, it's embarassing.  I mean, what do you suppose our client thought of this?!  I shudder at the thought.

Talk about being well-connected, Rod takes the cake.  Whenever he schedules another call with someone, he ends the conversation with "See you then!"  Umm, nope, I don't think you will, Rod.  Unless you have far higher powers than the rest of us mortals, you'll be TALKING to them soon.

Rod forgets my name.  Constantly.  He forgets it several times a day. I know, because he will frequently bleat out "HEY SO umm..." as he searches for my name.  Sometimes he thinks of it, other times... the well is dry. It's actually not as upsetting as it seems.  It's actually a toss of the dice.  If he forgets my name totally, then I think he works so hard to remember it... that he then forgets what he was going to say altogether (which is good).  So really, it's insulting, but a relief at the same time.

Wanna know something else?  Rod is one of those unfortunate souls who says "ECK-cetera," instead of "ET-cetera," thus establishing his lack of awareness and/or education to all around him. 

We have Halloween lights cheerily lighting the walk along one hallway.  Rod wants us to unplug the lights during the day (when we're here to see them) and plug them back in at night (when we aren't here to see them).  I have no idea why. 

Here is a short example of an email exchange with Rod:

----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
From: Rod Acme
To: Dave Ball
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 09:16:27 -0700
Subject: Foley ACME List

pls update tis list releate to our new release

Now, there are a couple things to note.  First (to IT people) it is glaringly obvious there is no standard for email addresses.  Second, I can't figure out at all what he is asking, typos aside.  Even if I could figure out the words he is attempting to relay, I'm not sure I could figure out the goal.  Lastly, here is the response he received from Dave:

To: Rod Acme

Cc: Katie Murphy 
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 09:45:43 -0700
Subject: Foley ACME List - has already been updated...

The list was already updated two weeks ago. It is correct.
I'll leave you with that for now.  I will be back again tomorrow!  You can be sure of it.
Eye Tee Girl

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