Of course, Friday means it's betting day for Rod. He made all his calls to all his cronies to place money on the upcoming college ball games. I can't even respect Rod for his betting practices. Not only does he bet against UW (his alma mater and mine), but then he forgets the bets that were made and the point spreads that were agreed upon. I don't think he realizes how much his "friends" are ripping him off. It's probably a good thing he only bets a dollar at a time. Poor, poor Rod.
When I walked in this morning, it was stormy, windy, and just downright gloomy. Almost before I could take a seat, Rod came up to me and said "If I made an inappropriate remark about Muslims, [he pronounces it more like mooozlims] would that be inappropriate?" I looked at him and said, "Well, I think by definition of your own sentence, yes, it would be inappropriate." I can only guess, but I think maybe he was making a reference to the tragic massacre yesterday at Ft. Hood. He didn't actually confirm why he wanted to say something inappropriate about Muslims.
Right after that, he followed up by confirming our plans for lunch. "So we have our DATE today, right?" Oh, ick. He just had to call it a date, didn't he? Ick Factor +4.
We were talking about the deplorable state of his website. He blamed my predecessor for the shoddy construction, which was completely unfounded and untrue. Regardless, at one point, he asked why Dave hadn't already done the things I was talking about. I pointed out Dave is a developer, and likely has no interest in web design, while I, on the other hand, am a web designer by trade and have no interest in software development. This sparked a whole huge debate (for him, at least) and he finished his diatribe by stating that developing a product is NOT, absolutely NOT programming it. That, he assured me, is something else. I said, "Um, yeah, actually, that's what developers do, they program." He rebutted "I disagree..." I honest to God laughed at him here and said "Disagree all you want, that's what they do." He put his head down and walked away. "Have a nice day."
In part of the conversation about the website, he mentioned they had done a major overhaul of the website 18 months ago. He was very adamant. "Eightteen months ago, we redid the WHOLE stupid thing!!" He then went to fetch some documentation and returned... with paperwork sporting dates in 2006. How confusing it must be to be stuck in that noggin all day.
While Rod was on the line with one of his gambling cronies, he mentioned the foul weather we were having. (We did have an impressive show of Mother Nature's force last night, complete with lightning, huge hail, thunder, and powerful rains.) He said to the person on the phone "After that shooting last night, I thought what with all the thunderstorms that we were actually under attack! I thought maybe they dropped a nucular [sic] bomb on us or something!" After some silence while he chuckled intermittently, he said, "I MEAN, what are we gonna DO about all these MUSLIMS!" This is another instance where I'll just let the distaste sit in your mouth as his inappropriate nature flows around you.
As we were about to leave for lunch, Rod said we needed to have a meeting about responsibilities in the office when we returned. Jennifer said, "Whoa, waitaminit, what do you mean?" With his nasty cough thing pointed right at me Rod said "AHEERMMMEMMM! Well I clean the TOILET bowl," and then Jen said "I like to vacuum!" Boy, had I just been hornswaggled in a room full of "Not - its" - I was the one left with the nasty chore! It just hadn't dawned on me yet what it was. Then Rod said, "Well AHRRRM YES! It would APPEAR that we need someone to MOP the BATHroom FLOOR and the WASH basin." Oh hell to the no! I said as much. "I'm not the boy who dribbles on the floor, there is no way I'm going to mop that!" Well, they both just kinda looked at me like, well, then what chore are you gonna do?
Well, at least it's better than mopping up Rod pee in the bathroom...
And lunch, well that was as odd as it was interesting. A few things I learned: Country clubs really aren't all that glamorous, Rod can maintain conversation on a social level, and lastly, you never EVER want to look at his face after he has taken a bite of food. Just trust me on that one. (Ick Factor +6)
Happy weekend everyone!!
Eye Tee Girl
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