In the meantime, he wasted no time giving me other material today...
This morning, Rod came in (an hour later than usual... Hmmm...) and announced, "Katie! I have been THINKING about you!!!" He was so excited, I was very afraid of what was coming next. "You know I listen to King FM and TODAY.... AHEERMMEEMMM!!... Today! They were playing a VIENNESE waltz." Oh, God, no, no, please no. Nonononononono... "AND... I THOUGHT how WONDERFUL it would be to go DANCING with you" Oh crap, there it is. He said it. It's out in the open now. Think! Quick! What to say now?? "Oh, mm hmmm, really?" "YES! Both you and JENNIFER too! Out dancing with my two FAVORITE girls!!" Well, obviously, he was being taken away by the fantasy. Me, I needed a healthy dose of Calgon to take me away from the vision. Oh well, maybe later...
Rod is definitely a different person when there is a girlfriend in the picture. He has hardly grumped at either Jennifer or me today! And only a couple times yesterday. I think he got some over the weekend. It's the only thing that can explain things like:
Jennifer says he has never before written "Great" on an invoice. It's like getting a test back in second grade, complete with teacher's comments! Maybe next time, he will include a Precious Moments stamp? Or a Hello Kitty sticker?

Who is this man, and what has he done with Rod??
I'm sure it's no surprise. Rod isn't very good at bookkeeping. Yesterday, I found it peculiar when he started collecting up the recyclables in the office. I inquired. He said "My terminal's being used." Hmm. Peculiar jargon. What is this "terminal" of which he speaks? I asked Jennifer as soon as he went outside. "Oh!! Right, he means that his accountant is using his computer right now!" I peeked. Sure enough, someone was using a remote admin agent to control Rod's computer and was going through his finances (no, Rod is not clever enough to turn off a monitor when someone else is going through his finances). Whoa. That just seemed like a little too much trust in your banker, y'know what I'm sayin? So, anyway, today he was speaking to his accountant about all his finances, deposits, withdrawals, different banks, and so forth. Finally, after mentioning everyone's payroll checks (by dollar amount, not by check number, nice) he said he thinks the bank is wrong. Now, I'm not sure what he thinks the bank is wrong about, and I'm not a betting person, but if I were, and knowing Rod like I do, I would put my money on the bank being 100% right.
To a customer: "Have you installed this piece of crap software yet?" (no commentary necessary, right?)
To Jennifer: "There's nothing wrong with pretending you're stupid." Except, when you do it, you're not pretending, right, Rod?
Rod: "So how is Kyle doing on his football team?" Customer: "Rod! Check your customer notes. My son's name is Alex!"
This is all I have time for today, I will surely be back tomorrow!
Eye Tee Girl
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