Friday, December 18, 2009

Merry day

Today is a merry one for Rod.  When he got here, he immediately went to talk to the gents next door.  Upon seeing his headlights splash across the wall as he pulled in, I immediately ran for the bathroom with my iPhone.  There, I played a mean round of Tap Tap.  In the middle of the game, I heard the bells jingle on the door as Rod comes in.  "JOY!" He bellows mirthfully.  I just rolled my eyes.  He made me miss a note.  "HEY KATIE SO UM I WAS THINKING THIS MORNING AS I CAME IN... KATIE!  WHERE IS KATIE!"  Oh good Lord.  "I'm in HERE!" I bellowed back.  What a doofus.  Where ELSE am I going to be, if the office is open, my computer is on, and his newspaper is on the coffee table?!  And he was yelling.  Loudly. He made me miss two more notes.  Curses!  I was having a good game, too.  With a sigh, I finished my now un-noteworthy game, pretend flushed, pretend washed my hands, then came out.  Well, at least he was in a good mood today.

When I came out, I asked him what he wanted to say.  He said he forgot.  Well, good thing he came in bellowing about something he forgot within 45 seconds.  I rolled my eyes and sat down. "OH! I REMEMBER!" I jumped. Good LORD that man can be loud sometimes!  "You and JENNifer are going to be my DATES today for LUNCH!  Isn't that exciting?!"  Oh, yeah, Rod, you have no idea what a thrill it is to hear you call me your date.  "Um, yeah, Rod, I'm looking forward to our Christmas lunch, too."  Do you know what?  He even had to correct me on this.  "It's not a LUNCH, Katie, it's a CHRISTMAS PARTY!  Isn't that GREAT?!"  "Absolutely!" I said.  Wow.  Someone musta gotten a lil sumfin sumfin last night, or is he just really looking forward to this function?

When Jen came in, he got so excited to call her his date, he choked:  "JENNIF-AHHERUGGUMM AGGHHH GUUHHHHH CACK GUCK AHHHHERRRRRRRUM!  JENNIFER!  GOOD MORNING!"  Oh, Wow.  I was shaking my head.  "Good morning, Rod," she said.  "HOW ARE YOU TODAY?" he bellowed joyfully.  "Oh, I'm excited, Rod!  A friend got us courtside tickets to see the Cougar Hardwood Classic!" Well, this just opened a door for Rod (of course).  "Oooooo COUGAR!  Now, is this a Washington State UniVERsity thing?  Or is this some sort of hard-wood class for those COUGAR women I've been hearing about lately?"  I just rolled my eyes.  Perv.  Yes, poor Jen is a Coug, but not a cougar. WTF? Ick factor +4  At least he didn't make it even worse by saying something like "Get it?  HARD?  WOOD?"

Rod has cussed at least 7 times today.  He has only been here for two hours.

Rod finally noticed that the Joy door mat does not, in fact, face the door.  Instead, I have it positioned to face the office, so that you receive the Joy "Blessing" as you exit.  It makes me smile that you receive no joy as you walk in, but receive it on the way out.  It may be insignificant to you, but to me, well, it brings me joy. Anyway, he wanted it positioned to face those who come in the door.  I paused before replying.  I was going to have to be crafty here.  "Umm, that's because we come in the building once, maybe twice a day.  I thought, since we go by it all day long, it would be nice if it faced the office where we are all day!"  Ohhh, I'm good! He took the bait without even seeing the nasty, gnarly hook beneath it.  "OHHH my, what a sweet gesture!  I never would have thought of that!"  I won that round.

Later, he asked me to come over to his cubicle to talk about something.  I had apparently mislabeled the subject of an email.  (I believe you recall how IMPORTANT the SUBJECT lines are in EMAIL, from one of my first posts?)  Well, "Acme Organizer Licensing" was not sufficient subjecting for an email that requested license info for Acme Organizer.  No.  It should also have included the company name.  Ok, fine.  I know the next time, however, when I'll label it "Acme Organizer Licensing - Customer Name" that he'll find something else wrong with that, too.

I added to the Festivus decorations today.  I added two hand towels in the bathroom - a penguin and a stack of present on the other.  Rod just now came out and said, "Ooooh!  I just LOVE the stockings!"  So while he tries hard, he just can't quite pull it together, can he?

Today is a short day, everyone!  We have our Christmas Lunch Party today! 

Have a great weekend, have a great one!  Finish up your shopping, then enjoy the time off before the craziness begins!  I am signing off until Monday!

Eye Tee Girl

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