Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The season is nigh!

Christmas season in the office is turning out to be very pleasant indeed.  So pleasant, I find my story cache is getting low!  Never fear, Rod is always good for at least a couple lines a day!

"Ohhh my, JENNIFER!  You sure smell NICE today!" Oh ugh.  Poor Jen. But wait, it gets worse!  "Hey, Katie, JENNIFER has a CRUSH on me!"  She is still getting the willies, 4 hours after he said that.  Ick factor: Immeasurable.

I said, "Hi Rod, how are you today?"  He grumped "None of your BUSINESS."  Alrighty then.  And no, I have no idea if he was kidding.  Maybe?

There aren't really words to describe the art in our office.  Ugly?  Modern?  Circular?  Suffice it to say it makes this office even more bleak and unenjoyable.  And you know what happens when words can't describe... you post pictures!  Enjoy! 

Art from a local artist who once dated Rod.  (Why couldn't she have taken the art with her?  White walls would look better!)

The first, I call Ugly Blue Circles:

It is perhaps 3 feet square.

This one, I call Circles and Shadows of Circles:

This one is also about 3 feet square.  I think it wins the "Ugliest Art I Have Ever Seen" award.  And I've seen some ugly crap.

I think of this one as Circular, Empty Fruit Bowl:

Isn't the reflection a nice touch?  This one is perhaps 4 feet square.  That's right, 16 ungodly square feet of blue, ugly orangey red, black, and blacker black.

And lastly, the masterpiece, too large to photograph anything but a 3 foot swath, I fondly refer to this as Jail Cell: Kaleidoscoped.

It isn't cool and angular, that's just the angle of the camera for the picture.  This monster is, I think, 8 feet by 8 feet.  I have worked in cubicles with less square footage.  Hell, I rented a room once that was smaller!

Well, it's 2pm and the boss is gone. Doesn't that mean it's quittin' time?  I guess I'll give it another hour or so, then go send off some Christmas cards and wrap some presents for my loved ones.  The wine will flow, the carols will play, the cold wind will blow, and I'll have joy in my heart.  I hope you will, too.

Eye Tee Girl

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