Thursday, January 14, 2010

Crazy is as Crazy does

I learned a lot of things when I watched Forrest Gump.  I think Rod could, too.  One of those things being patient and kind.  I know, I know, I ask for the sky...

Rod is in a seemingly good mood today.  I was actually somewhat calm today.  And then the text from Jen that explained it all.  "Look in Rod's calendar today.  2 dates.  Creep!"  I looked and sure enough, two dates, two locations, two women's names.  They were "hidden," in there - as "New Leads" at 5pm.  Right, like Rod ever works later than 3?  That's a laugh!  Ick factor: +4

Rod was telling Jen how good she looked, just like a CNN reporter.  Ick factor +1.  Jen asked what the reporter was talking about, and then answered her own question.  "Haiti?"  "Yeah, of COURSE, Haiti."  I waited for it, the inconsiderate, cruel comment, but it didn't come!  Instead, "Yeah, all those poor people!"  Now, how sad is it that I am shocked when Rod doesn't criticize something like this?  Sad factor: +6

A couple hours into the day, the phone rings, and Jen answers, then transfers "an urgent call regarding a business matter with the Bank of America."  Holy SMOKES this should be interesting! I got my pen ready!  This is everything I heard (of interest anyway, it took a while for him to establish which account the gentleman was calling about!):  "I do not have any money, I cannot pay this obligation.  Take me to court if you have to but DO NOT EVER CALL ME AGAIN!"  SLAM went the phone!  I think I heard plastic crack. 

Then, this is an interesting turn of events.  Some man just came in, asked me "Rod Acme?"  I pointed to the cubicle next to me and said "Rod's right there."  The guy immediately bee lined to him and repeated, "Rod Acme?"  "Yes," and then the guy handed Rod paperwork.  He left immediately without another word being said.  Rod is now being completely silent as he thumbs through paperwork!  Did he just get served?  Jen and I just simultaneously texted each other the same thought.  Can a person actually get served because they are in so much debt?!  We have no idea!

Anyway, I took notes immediately after another conversation Rod and I had a little while ago.  Just to underscore the way things go here, multiple times a day, every day.  It will give you an idea as to why it means so much to us when Rod is out of the office!

Rod:  So you need to do the mapping before you do the import, right?
Me:  I haven't done mapping...
M: I don't think that's right.  I think you can import all day long without mapping, I know because I have imported but I have not mapped.
R:  Well, you can't do reconcilliATION without mapping, right?
M:  That may well be!  I haven't actually looked at how a reconciliation report changes after an import or mapping.
R:  Well, then, let me ask you THIS.  Are you FAMILIAR with mapping?

(Oh Lord, here we go)
M:  As a theory, yes, I know how field mapping works.
I then received a lecture on how it isn't field mapping (it is) and how I was wrong (well, duh!) and then:
R:  Are you faMILiar with MAPPING?!
M:  I haven't done mapping with this application yet, Rod.
R:  Okay, then, how about this? You need to have mapping done to get reconciliation to work, RIGHT?
M:  I haven't done mapping yet.
R:  SOOOO??!!?!
M:  So, I don't know, Rod!!
R:  Don't know WHAT?!
Oh, brother.
M:  I don't know if you need mapping for the reconciliation to work!!
M:  I'm not attacking you, Rod.  You are attacking me.  I've told you 4 times I haven't done mapping, by definition that means I'm not familiar with it!
R:  Well, I'm stupid!
M:  No, you're not.  You are demeaning me and making me feel small and unappreciated by making me repeat over and over that I don't know something.  You may be my boss, Rod, but you don't pay me enough to take this kind of treatment from you!

I was proud of myself!  He was flying off the handle, and while I was upset, I wasn't losing control of the situation this time.  I don't really think much happened after that.  He calmed down almost immediately and we finished the conversation.  He asked me to work on mapping and I said ok.  I think that's how the conversation would go under most circumstances.

This conversation is after a different lengthy one that took place where I managed to steer it skillfully enough around obstacles and corners and we came out ahead!  Of course, it took 30 minutes longer than it should have, and I was exhausted afterwards, but it proved I could come out of a Rod conversation without raised voices!

Well it's time for me to go prep for a call, then lunch, then hopefully, Rod will be gone for the day.

Eye Tee Girl

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