That's really all there is to it.
Remember how I thought I would have insurance at the start of the month? Well, I do. The unfortunate part of the equation comes when you look at the lies Rod told me:
1. I was told repeatedly that the effective date was 1.1.10 - Turns out it was actually 12.1.09. This means the health issues I suffered through last month could have been resolved.
2. I had the first set of forms filled out in November. Unfortunately, those forms were for Regence, not Premera. The second set I had filled out and returned 12.03. Rod told Premera I did not tell him anything until 12.28.
3. Rod told Premera I am married and decided not to use my "husband's" insurance until nearly a month after my eligibility began. When questioned, he furthered the husband lie by saying I had applied for his insurance and was denied. Again, upon further questioning about the cause for denial, he stammered, he hemmed, and he hawed. He actually finally stuttered out following sentence: "Well uhhh... AHERRRRUM! That's because she and her husband ... Uhhhhmm... I guess... yeah... no... ummmm they aren't uhmmm MARRIED."
None of this stuff is true. (Well, except for the cryptic part that I'm not "married" to my "husband!") I guess he was making it all up as he went along. I never applied for anyone's insurance, I was not denied, I did not wait until the end of December to notify Rod of my interest in insurance. The extent of our conversation about insurance went essentially like this: "So, um KATIE, are you going to get insurance?" "Why, yes, Rod, I think I am." "Can you use your boyfriend's insurance?" "No, Rod, we're not married, so I can't get coverage."
Now, the final beauty mark on this story is that the price of my insurance changed. I was told when I hired on that my insurance would be paid for by Acme. After I enrolled, and after I had confirmed my enrollment, Rod called a meeting and told us that there is now going to be a mandatory employee contribution. After listening to his various phone calls yesterday, it sounds like all these lies were so he could avoid paying for one month of my coverage. Awesome. What a nice guy, eh?
So, dear readers, ETG is not having the best of days. Being lied to is such a violation! Add to that the pain I needlessly suffered in December, and it's just unbelievable. When I then think about how he lied about me, and what I said and did, and my blood pressure skyrockets. He is now disparaging my reputation with his lies.
Everyday I shake my head that I am still here. Why am I putting myself through this torture? Is it to keep this blog going? Or some need to be abused daily? Or do I just think I need the money that much?
Slogging through the misery, I remain...
Eye Tee Girl
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
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Alas, aware of the IT market as I am, I appreciate the need for steady money. It keeps the piranhas at bay. At the same time, this sort of abuse is criminal. Doesn't even BORDER on criminal. This is outright naughty crap. Vile.