Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hell hath no fury...

Check that.  Hell hath no misery like working at Acme.  Specifically, working for Rod.

He's just so... so... mean.
And he doesn't really ever have a good reason for it.

He called Dave worthless and useless today.  What kind of human really thinks of another human as worthless and useless?  I was shocked at the hatred in his tone, on his face, and in his gestures.  I wouldn't even call Rod useless or worthless.  It kills a piece of me inside when he says stuff like that, and I just cannot be quiet.  This time, I said, "Hey, you want me to treat you with respect.  You can't go around talking about people like that!  Why am I supposed to think you speak any differently about me when I'm not around?"  He was silent.  But not because he realized my point.  He was silent because I had just pissed him off some more and I suppose he had to "regain" his composure.  HA!  But I no longer care.  Screw him.  He screws anything that moves, either with his ka-ka or with his corrupt business practices.  Why should I treat him differently than he treats anyone else?  He doesn't deserve my kindness any longer!

Ok, enough of the bitter rantings.  Here are some funny stories from the day.

Shit bomb, 6 :: Fuck bomb, 2 :: GDI, 1 (And all but 1 S Bomb and 1 F Bomb were dropped before 10 am!)

Rod wanted me to work on a mini project for him.  Fine.  I have no problem doing it.  What is as irritating as it is mirthful is that in the space of 15 minutes and back to back, he told me 4 times what to do.  All 4 times, he listed the same main tasks.  Then he went to his desk to write it down.  Then he brought his pad over and read them to me.  Again.  Control issues?  OCD?  ADHD?  I mean, what the hell?

So this project involved that I work on his machine.  I had to save a file.  The default path that came up was on the network:  G:\Employees\Rod\WomansName\xxx

Well, shit bugger. You can't see something like that on someone's machine and ignore it.  With a smirk, I said, "Hey Jen, c'mere."  "What?  I'm in the middle of something."  "No, really, you need to c'mere."  She came up behind me and said "What."  I showed her.  She looked at me, I looked at her.  She said, "Well...?  OPEN THEM!"  I was hesitant.  "Nudie pictures of Rod? UGH!"  "So?" she said.  That's all it took.  So I used the thumbnail view, and sure enough...  Porn, and lots of it.  We even found one that we are convinced was Rod, himself, or ... part of himself, anyway.  Ick factor:  Infinity +1.  I will be saving all these files somewhere - unfortunately, I need to keep them as evidence of the sexual harassment here.  Having files like this, in public, is proof of his complete disregard for us.

While I was working on his computer, the scroll wheel stuck, so I looked down at it.  I wish now I hadn't.  It was visibly oily, and there was a chunk of... well... something... on it.  Ugh.  Nasty.  Ick factor:  +9

I told Rod at one point today that I have never, ever been managed as closely as he manages me.  Not even when I was 16 at McDonald's!  His quip was "Y'know, attorneys and accountants have to account for all of their time!"  Well, I wasn't talking about accounting for my time, but I didn't point that out.  I settled on the obvious.  "Well, I'm not an attorney or an accountant, so you prove nothing."  He didn't really have much to say after that.

Rod must have been very excited this morning when he found an order for 1000 servers.  He was so chipper to tell Jen about it!  "Hey, did you know we got this big order?!"  Jen replied, "You mean that one for 1,000 servers?"  He sounded so deflated:  "um.. Yeah, I ahhherrrUMMMM I guess."  Jen was cool as a cucumber, "Yeah, they've paid and everything.  A long time ago!  This is really old!"  Of course, Mr Argumentative couldn't leave it alone.  Instead, he said "Oh, well, hmmph.  It must've been in the wrong FOLder."  Whatever.

Anyway, I'm just so done with this place.  Porn on the network, constant criticism, lies, no morals, bad-mouthing... It's a wonder I haven't walked out on his sorry ass.

Ahhh, yes, the end of another great day looms before me!  I must finish my farming on Facebook and bid all of you a grand good bye for the day.

Eye Tee Girl.

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