Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hello world!

What an original way to start a blog. But apt!

I started work a few days ago at a company that shall remain nameless in Washington State. There are essentially three other people that work there. The Boss, whom I shall call Rod, my coworker, whom I shall call Jennifer, and the other IT analyst, whom I shall call Dave.

This is the craziest place I have ever worked. Or have even heard of! It's almost close to Dilbert... but when you make Dilbert real, it's not really funny anymore... Or is it?

The following stories are all true.

On the first day, I dressed business casual. I was greeted by Rod, who was wearing old track pants with a hole in them. Later, I was introduced to Jennifer, who was dressed quite sharply. Lastly, I met Dave, who was in sweat shorts and a Governator tshirt. Assuming the attire to be casual, the following day, I wore (nice) jeans and a black sweater. I was told within an hour of my arrival that jeans are frowned upon (by a man in soiled track pants).

An hour later... While on a conference call with both my coworkers, Rod came in to my cubicle and said "I want to get rid of this dipshit!" about someone who was working from home that day. (Sorry, Dave) What kind of manager calls a coworker a "dipshit" to a fellow coworker? A brand new coworker at that? I was shocked! What had I gotten myself into?! Little did I know, my horror was just beginning...

Another hour passes... Rod comes into my cubicle, bends down close to me, and says "So then you must... do you sleep around a lot?" Because I had already told him of my engagement, I was (1) confused (2) nonplussed (3) horrified (4) incredibly angry (5) speechless. There was silence as he waited for me to answer. That silence dragged on, as I waited for him to say something, ANYthing. I am sure my mouth dropped open. I had to look away. He said "That was me being cute!" He then went on to mention that I had told him my "boyfriend or whatever" lived nearby (I hadn't) while I lived somewhere about 20 miles away (where I don't).

I will sign off for now, to let you think on that. Is it any surprise that on this, my third day, I have no idea if I will reach a fourth?

I hope you enjoy my stories as I post them. I certainly have a never ending source.

Eye Tee Girl

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