Monday, November 23, 2009

I thought I had out-grown bullies...

Allow me to start today's blog with a disclaimer.  It has been very rough in the office already (I am starting the blog early today at 10:30).  Rod has been condescending, bullying us, and is being completely unreasonable.  None of this is shocking, but the over-the-top conversations that are occurring today mean that this blog will be less humor oriented, and may just end up being cathartic for me.

The day started pleasantly enough.  I asked Rod how his weekend was, then when Jen came in, I asked her.  She said great!  Then said in a low voice later that, essentially, lots of crazy things had happened and she couldn't wait to tell me at lunch.  Cool!  Something to look forward to.

Rod is a bully.  I'm sure this isn't a surprise to you.  It is to me.  The last time I had to deal with a true bully was 8th grade.  I am right back on that bus today, getting bullied. The difference is, I'm an adult now, and I will not be bullied.

In fact, I am very close to just walking out.  Perhaps for the day, perhaps forever.  It's bad here today.

It started with Rod bullying Jennifer about email and subject lines.  Remember how IMPORTANT email subjects are to Rod from one of my very first posts?  He asked her "Now, Jennifer, come here a minute.  What is the purpose of a subject in an email?"  Jennifer said "To let people know what the email is about."  Rod replied "EXACTLY.  To let people KNOW what the EMAIL is ABOUT.  Is that NEW to you? What the SUBJECT is FOR?"  The sneer that laced his tone was shocking.  It also put me on guard.

He went on to say the same thing to her over and over, just like he did me on my first day.  Finally, I interrupted to say "I don't mean to eavesdrop, but she definitely understands what you are saying.  You are just grinding it in at this point."  Well, that sure put a kink in his tail!  He came rushing out of his cube and stood in front of mine.  He said "Well, if everyone is going to be chiming IN, let's talk about this.  Jennifer, come here."  When Jen took the three steps forward necessary to "come here," he continued. "I'm sure you're already irritated with me...."  (Ya think?) "BUT...Now, this PERSONAL converSAtion in the OFFICE needs to stop.  I don't want to hear all this personal crap."  Jennifer and I were perplexed.  Our eyes popped.  I said, "Are you serious?  We can't even ask how a weekend went?!"  He replied "Well, now, yes, you CAN ask that, but then it's this whole WHISPERING thing that goes on later, it's just NOT NECESSARY."  Oh geez.  Really?  "So we can't have personal conversation on our lunch hour, we can't have conversation at any time, even in hushed tones.  This is what you're saying."  Rod said "YEAH! Take it OUTSIDE!"  I just looked at the 40 degree rain falling outside the window and rolled my eyes.  Jen did too.  I made it clear that if this is a new rule that would be instituted, then it should be applicable to all.  He said quite loudly at me, "Do you mean the conversations I have with my BROTHERS?"  I simply said, "I just want to make sure this applies to all of us and our personal conversations."  Whatever.  Fine, nothing personal in the office again.  I get it.  Unbelievable.

Here's an example of another exchange with the Unreasonable Bully:
     "Jennifer, do you have time for a meeting?"


     "Jennifer, do you have time for a meeting?"
     "Yes, Rod, I have time right now."
     "Ok, well, you need to tell me you have time for a meeting if you have time."

     "Yes, Rod, I have time for a meeting."
     "Ok, because you need to tell me."

Maybe I should have clued in that he's having an off day when he staggered and fell into a cubicle wall.  Silly me, I attributed it to clumsiness, but now I'm beginning to wonder.

Rod told Jennifer to enter in notes for a call she didn't participate in.  Hmmm.  I don't think that will be easy.

Jennifer:  "Rod, you're not listening to me, you're not letting me finish any sentences."
Rod:  "That's right, I'm not."
Wow.  This stuff just boggles my mind today.

Rod: "Don't assume I'll remember anything."  Don't worry, Rod, we don't.

I mean, this guy is for REAL.  Does he think this foul abuse of us encourages us to go out and make sales for him?  To work extra hard for him?  Well, it doesn't.  All it does is make us work just hard enough to not get fired.

And not one iota more.

Eye Tee Girl

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